International Guitar Month

English Dancing Master

Playlist 2023-04-30

If you were in England in the 16th century, you would be celebrating MAY DAY on May first. Spring Festivals were often raucous celebrations with dancing & singing, bonfires & maypoles, and a strong punch called MAY CUP. You’ll hear lively May Day music from John Playford’s English Dancing Master on Sunday Baroque this week.

Playlist 2023-04-30 Read More »

Andres Segovia

Playlist 2022-04-03

April is International Guitar Month and Sunday Baroque will feature some outstanding guitarists, including the legendary musician Andres Segovia, who championed the instrument on the concert stage, nurtured young performers as a teacher and mentor, and increased the repertory with arrangements of music originally for other instruments. Celebrate Guitar month on Sunday Baroque this weekend.

Playlist 2022-04-03 Read More »

Guitar Month

Playlist 2021-04-11

April is International Guitar Month and Sunday Baroque will celebrate with some inspiring guitar music. The performers include Los Romeros, the so-called “Royal Family of Guitar,” as well as some cheerful 18th century Spanish music played on the baroque guitar, and a phenomenally talented young French guitarist.

Playlist 2021-04-11 Read More »

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