

It takes a lot of talent and dedication to be a professional musician, and Sunday Baroque host Suzanne Bona invites some of the BEST to share their inspirations, challenges, and triumphs on her podcast SUNDAY BAROQUE CONVERSATIONS. These top-tier artists give a fascinating insider’s look at what makes them tick, and what fuels their passion. Subscribe in iTunes, Amazon Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Or click here for our RSS feed.

  • Thorgy Thor

    From the time she was very young, Thorgy Thor (née Shane Thor Galligan) was an outgoing bundle of energy. Her parents signed her up for a variety of activities, including sports and music, to keep her engaged and to burn off some of that excess energy. Developing skills playing violin, viola, and cello led Thorgy…

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  • Kristin Lee

    Violinist Kristin Lee was born in Seoul, Korea and came to the United States at age 7. At the time she spoke no English and the once-chatty, outgoing little girl suddenly found herself isolated, lonely, without friends. Immersing herself in music helped her bridge that gap, make friends, and find her calling. Kristen Lee spoke with…

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  • Debra Nagy

    Debra Nagy plays baroque oboe, and the historical performance expert is also founding director of the chamber group Les Délices. The award-winning Cleveland-based group has a reputation for performing less well-known music of the baroque era. Debra Nagy spoke with Suzanne about how she finds the music she programs for Les Délices, and the creative…

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