Playlist Archives
Playlist 2024-07-21
The word “baroque” refers to something irregularly shaped, extravagant, highly ornamented, or even flamboyant. And the baroque era in history from about 1600 to 1750 was a time when the music, art and architecture reflected those aesthetics in various ways. You’ll hear music that shows off some of baroque extravagances on Sunday Baroque this weekend.
Playlist 2024-07-14
This Sunday, July 14th is Bastille Day in France. It’s France’s commemoration of the start of the Revolution. Sunday Baroque will mark the occasion with music by French musicians from the Baroque era, including Symphonies for the King’s Supper and some Royal Chamber Music. Those are a few highlights of Sunday Baroque this week.
Playlist 2024-07-07
For many people, Independence Day celebrations would not be complete without fireworks. So this weekend, you’re invited to stop by for the world-renowned musical pyrotechnics of George Frideric Handel’s Famous Fireworks. It’s just some of what you’ll hear on Sunday Baroque this long holiday weekend.