Playlist Archives
Playlist 2016-04-10
William Shakespeare was born in April 1564, only a few years before the baroque era began. Music played a significant role in Shakespeare’s plays, whether to set a mood or further the story. Sunday Baroque celebrates Shakespeare and some of the music his work inspired over the centuries.
Playlist 2016-04-03
April is International Guitar Month, and Sunday Baroque will feature some outstanding guitarists playing Baroque music. They include the legendary musician Andres Segovia, who promoted the instrument on the concert stage, nurtured young performers, and increased the guitar repertory thanks to many musical arrangements.
Playlist 2016-03-27
This Week’s Links Easter Easter symbols and traditions Nikolaus Harononcourt First Hour Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625), I am the Resurrection and the Life, Stile Antico, Harmonia Mundi HMU 807555, PASSION & RESURRECTION: MUSIC INSPIRED BY HOLY WEEK Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767), Suite in F major for Two Horns and Strings, Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra, Janos Rolla,…