
United Nations

Playlist 2018-10-21

The United Nations was founded in 1945, and each year that occasion is celebrated on October 24th. In honor of UN DAY, Sunday Baroque will offer a multi-cultural collection of musical ideas, including charming English madrigals, a flute suite by a mystery Frenchman, and a Suite by Georg Philipp Telemann that was partly inspired by Polish Folk Music.

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Milky Way

Playlist 2018-10-14

The International Space Station …the discovery of water on Mars … space shuttles… there have been so many amazing technological feats and discoveries about our universe. Back in 1977, NASA launched the Voyager space probe to study Jupiter and Saturn. On board was a 12-inch disc containing a variety of sounds from Earth, including music. In honor of the October 20th celebration of ASTRONOMY DAY, Sunday Baroque will feature some of the baroque music included on that historic, celestial soundtrack.

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Playlist 2018-10-07

“In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue” And what did he and his fellow adventurers sail on — besides the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria? They sailed on the WATER! Sunday Baroque will offer some stormy concertos, some of George Frideric Handel’s Water Music, and other musical discoveries for Columbus Day weekend.

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Jean-Philippe Rameau

Playlist 2018-09-23

Life in the 18th century was not necessarily a picnic. People lacked modern comforts we enjoy, like anesthesia, antiseptic, indoor plumbing and sewers. 18th century life may have been nasty and brutish, but it wasn’t necessarily short. Sunday Baroque will feature baroque musicians who long outlived the average lifespan of their peers, reaching age 80 and beyond.

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Jesus Lopez-Cobos

Playlist 2018-09-16

Mexico celebrates Independence Day on September 16 every year, and in 1988 President Ronald Reagan established an annual 30 day celebration of Hispanic Heritage in the United States from September 15-October 15. Sunday Baroque will highlight some musicians who have contributed to that rich cultural heritage.

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music book

Playlist 2018-09-09

In addition to playing an instrument and composing, some musicians also wrote essays or books to communicate their ideas and philosophies to other composers and performers. Johann Quantz wrote a book about playing the flute, and Johann Fux authored a composition book. On Sunday Baroque you’ll hear how those musical authors practiced what they preached.

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Playlist 2018-09-02

As you’re relaxing Sunday, maybe enjoying extra time off, you can listen to some very hard-working musicians. Some of the world’s most-recorded classical musicians will play music by some of the hardest-working 18th century musicians. It’s the highlight of Sunday Baroque this Labor Day holiday weekend.

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Antonio Vivaldi

Playlist 2018-08-26

Spanish organist and singer Tomas Luis de Victoria balanced his duties as a composer with his duties as a royal chaplain. Composer Isabella Leonarda was 16 years old when she entered the Ursuline convent. And violinist Antonio Vivaldi was ordained as a priest, made music his career. In addition to their religious vocations, all three were also called to lives in music, and we’ll highlight some of their work.

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