William Lawes


Playlist 2020-05-24

William Lawes was a 17th century English composer and musician. He worked for his entire adult life for the English King Charles the first, and even served in the Royalist Army as a personal guard to the King, and lost his life in service. In his lifetime, William Lawes was known for his viol music – you’ll hear some of it on Sunday Baroque this Memorial Day weekend.

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Jean-Philippe Rameau

Playlist 2018-09-23

Life in the 18th century was not necessarily a picnic. People lacked modern comforts we enjoy, like anesthesia, antiseptic, indoor plumbing and sewers. 18th century life may have been nasty and brutish, but it wasn’t necessarily short. Sunday Baroque will feature baroque musicians who long outlived the average lifespan of their peers, reaching age 80 and beyond.

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